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Monday, October 15, 2012

Jordy's Proportion POst

Part 1:


Ratio:Compares two different parts of a group.

It can be written like this:  4:8 or a fraction. 4/8.
You should always simplfy!
4/8 = 1/2

is a ratio that compares two quantities of different units.
An example of Rate:
Unit rate is a rate in which the second term is 1.

Jordy wrote 20 words in 10minutes.


A proportion is an equation is stating that two ratios are equivalent.

Part 2

  1. 5 hours to travel 360 kilometers is about __72_km/h.

2. Emma saves 28 cents of every dollar that she earns. Emma earned $75 last week. How much money did Emma save last week?

Part 4

Here's a video to help you if your having trouble with proportion!


Part 5

1.Does this seem fair?

Yes. Although he did the wrong thing , he needed the money to survive, now he must face his punishment.

2.With what you know about proportion look and read what is in the image above. Does it seem just and fair?

Urh, no! The man in the first article took 3B and is only in jail for 3years? Where else the one in the second took 100$ and returned it the next day and is there for 15years?

3. Why have you made this choice?

Because it doesn't seem right. Neither of them did the right thing, but the homeless man was hungry but still went back the next day. The other man was probably planning on spending his 3B on something silly.

4. What would you have done if you were the judge?

Switched it around.
3B= 15years.
100= 3years.

  1. Does this seem fair?
  2. With what you know about proportion look and read what is in the image above. Does it seem just and fair?
  3. Why have you made this choice?
  4. What would you have done if you were the judge?

Read more:
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