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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Katherine Nicolasora's Algebra Scribepost

Chapter Review (pages 360 & 361)

7a)- Make a table of values from the graph.

7b)- Does the graph represent a linear relation? Explain: Yes it does because there is a recursive pattern on both sides. 

7c)- Is it possible to have other points between the ones on this graph? Explain: Yes because you can work for a fraction of an hour. For example, half an hour, quarter of an hour, etc.

8a)- Describe what the graph is about: The graph shows the number of cars being washed and the cost of each washed car. The x axis intervals show the number of cars. The y axis intervals show the cost for the amount of cars that are washed. 

8b)- Describe the patterns on the graph: It is a linear relation because it has a recursive pattern. The x axis intervals always go up by 1, while the y axis intervals always go up by 10.

8c)- What is the cost of one car?: The cost of one car washed is $10.

8d)- Make a table of values for the graph. 

8e)- If 15 cars were washed, what is the income for the grade 8 class?: The income for the grade 8 class if 15 cars were washed is $150.

12a)- Make a table of values representing the number of colour copies in relation to the cost. Include zero to five colour copies. 

12b)- Is this a linear relation? Explain: It is not a linear relation because there's no recursive pattern on one side. 

12c)- What is an expression for the cost in terms of the number of colour copies?: 1c + 1     (let c=copies and I was unable to come up with an expression for the 0 copies for $0)

12e)- What is the cost of 12 colour copies?: 1(12)+1= $13.

13a)- What does each variable represent?: t represents time and d represents distance.

13b)- What does 15 represent?: The number you multiply the variable with. In this case, you multiply the variable by 15.

13c)- Make a table of values. Use five whole number values for t.

13d)- Graph the ordered pairs.

13e)- Is it reasonable to have points between the ones on the graph? Explain: Yes because you can have a fraction of a time or a distance.

13f)- How far would Craig travel in 8 h?: 15(8)=120 km.

Here's a quick video if you're still a bit confused about plotting ordered pairs.


Click here to practice!

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