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Friday, March 15, 2013

Chiara's Algebra UnProject

I will be showing you how to solve a 2 step multiply and dividing equations, and a distributive equation.

First here are the 3 definitions you should know about algebra.

Coefficient- The number that's multiplied by a variable in an equation.
eg.) 2x + 1= 9 

Constant- The number that doesn't change it's value
eg.) 2x + 1=9 

Variable- A letter or symbol representing a number
eg.) 2x + 1=9

2 step multiplication 

4x + 3=23
First thing you do is isolate the variable

4x + 3 - 3=23 - 3
You cancel the constant by using zero pairs

4x = 20
4       4
Next you divide both side by it's coefficient.

x= 5
So, now you know what x is. Now you verify.

4x + 3=23
Always write the equation.

4(5) + 3=23
Replace the x with 5.

20 + 3=23
Next I did 4(5) which is 20.

You always do that in the end when you verify.
Here's a link you could go to about 2 step multiply equations.

2 step division

x  + 5=8 
First thing you got to do is isolate the variable by using a zero pair

x + 5 -5=8 -5
Next you multiply the variable and do the same thing on the other side.

(2)x  = 3(2)
Now you verify it.

Always remember to write the equation down.

x + 5 = 8
Then, you substitute the x with the 6.

6 + 5= 8
Divide the coefficient.

And then you verify it by adding it.

And that's how you verify.
Here's a link to know more about 2 step division.

Distributive property

2 (x -1) = 6
The first thing you do is multiply the constant with the variable by it's coefficient. 

2 (x-1) =6 


And then you will have
2x - 2 =6

The next you will do is solve it just like a 2 step multiply 
2x -2 =6
2x -2 +2 =6+2 
2x = 8
2       2

2x -2 =6 
2(4) -2=6 
8 -2 =6

That's how you would model it.

Here's a link to learn more about Distributive Property.

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